Some government programs may help with the financial load if you or a close one has a severe impairment. Sadly, the bulk of claims is rejected at the point of submission.
Therefore, before starting such a time-consuming process, it is imperative to understand the requirements for applying to individual aid programs. It is essential that you find a social security disability attorney in Sarasota for the necessary help.
Disability Definition
Social Security only provides benefits for totally and permanently disabled people. The impairment must:
- prevent someone from performing the previous work;
- hinder the capacity to transition to other sorts of work;
- lasted, are anticipated to last for at least a year, or end up in death
Important differences between SSI and SSDI:
A huge corporation, the Social Security Agency, was created to provide a security net for Americans with various requirements. Benefits for people with disabilities are provided by two branches of this organization: Social Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance. However, these programs are entirely different, with very strict eligibility standards. SSDI is only accessible to people who have contributed enough to Social Security over the years, as opposed to SSI, which is accessible to individuals who can establish economic necessity.
Social security income:
People with disabilities and low financial means of any age are eligible for SSI assistance.
These benefits may be available to kids with illnesses like HIV, vision impairment or hearing loss, palsy, Mental retardation, muscular dystrophy, and a few other disabilities. But some requirements must be fulfilled:
- There are tight income restrictions
- The condition must have severely limited the child’s ability to function for at least a year, be predicted to endure at least another year, or be fatal.
Financial aid may be available to persons 18 years of age and older for various incapacitating ailments, including mental illnesses, diseases, and injuries.
People 65 and older that are not disabled but fall within certain budgetary guidelines can also receive these payments.
Social security disability insurance:
In contrast, SSD distributes benefits to people and their families in accordance with the full sum of Social Security taxes that person has accrued over time. The amount of Social Security work points a person receives depends on their yearly income. These credits correspond to certain sums of money. With part of those points having been acquired in at least half of the preceding 10 years, the amount of credits one has to have earned to be eligible for SSD compensation is based on their age at the point of disability.