The employment card assists most people as they are just done with their education and are planning on getting into the workforce. People getting done with their college rarely have the experience to bag a high paying job, unless they handled some rigorous internships when they were in college or university. Additionally, the employment exchange coordinates these same requirements for people who might have lost their jobs or are looking for jobs, even if they have experience.
The Employment Exchange refers to an office of the central or state government, that collects and furnishes information on the prospective employers, available vacancies and job seekers, thereby facilitating job seekers to find a suitable job and for the industry to receive the right manpower. They gather the information needed from employers and employees to be able to assist both of them.
Why was the employment exchange set up?
The Employment Exchanges was primarily set up for the compulsory notification of vacancies and was governed by the Employment Exchange Act, 1959. The Act enacted on the recommendations of the Training and Employment Services Organisation Committee set up by the Government of India.
The Act applies to all establishments in the public and private sector engaged in non-agricultural activities, employing 25 or more workers.
It requires employers in every establishment in the public sector and relevant firms in the private sector from various states or areas to before filling up any vacancy for any employment in that establishment. However, they do not impose obligations on an employer to recruit people through the employment exchange. Employers can fill vacancies with prospective employees that have bpss clearance merely because those vacancies were notified by the employment exchanges.
There are exceptions to the rule and vacancies from the following types of employment need not be notified
Agriculture employment (including horticulture) in any private sector establishment other than working as farm machinery operatives
Employment in domestic service
Employment for unskilled office work
Employment connected with the staff of Parliament
Employment which carries remuneration below a threshold
One of the best parts of the employment exchange is that they allow people to know to apply for and create an employment card through their website, which is a lot easier than having to travel to their office. The process takes less than thirty minutes if all the documentation is available. Many, not versed with the internet, can visit the office to create their employment cards, however, it takes longer, and they have to travel a significant amount.
Apllying For Employment card through Online Mode
Applying for Employment card has been made easy in recent times, not just employment card, one could now easily apply for many other documents like Ration card, shramik card through Online mode. All you need is a good internet connection. One has to visit the right website fill up the application form, upload documents and pay any required fees.