Do you wake up exhausted or perhaps suffering from a headache as well as dry lips? Obstructive sleep apnea could be the reason. It occurs when your breathing is interrupted while you sleep, usually for more than 10 seconds.
While you sleep, the muscles relax, including the chest and throat muscles that allow you to breathe. If you suffer from sleep apnea, the relaxation of the throat muscles can narrow the airway, which can stop breathing.
Sleep apnea tests at home are inexpensive and cost-effective to determine if you’re having difficulty breathing. The trial at home for sleep apnea is a simple breathing monitor that measures your oxygen levels and breathing rate. It is not able to fully record the information that is observed during a nighttime sleep study. Sleep studies over the night provide an in-depth assessment of sleep-related issues. An expert in sleep technology conducts them. They collect a variety of signals, including brainwaves, for muscles, sleep, and leg movement. If you suffer from specific breathing, heart, or neuromuscular issues, a nighttime sleep study in a sleep facility could be beneficial.
Sleep apnea test at home might be the best option for you when you show signs of sleep apnea with obstruction, for example:
- A partner in bed who reports that you snore, breathe or gasp during sleep
- Sleep disruption
- Sleepiness during the day
Consult your doctor regarding your options, particularly in the case of being obese or overweight. Here’s some information concerning the examination.
The Facts About An At Home Sleep Tests
1. They monitor only the breathing
A sleep test is designed to assess a patient’s risk of sleep apnea. It tests the patient’s breathing but not the actual sleep. The test doesn’t look at how long you’re in the state of sleep that is light or deep. Instead, it’ll be measuring the amount of time you take pauses and absence of breathing, the effort required to breathe, and whether the breath is shallow or deep.
2. Your physician must recommend it.
It’s not an over-the-counter test. Your primary physician or the doctor at the sleep clinic could request it for you to make at home.
3. It makes use of sensors to determine breathing patterns.
The sensors have a small probe that rests on your finger, which determines oxygen levels. Another mask is inserted using tubes in your nostrils and placed over your ear like one of the oxygen masks. Additional sensors will be placed over your chest and stomach to determine the change in their height and depth as you breathe.
4. It’s only a small commitment.
A majority of sleep tests at home are only used for one night. They are more affordable than a study done in an in-clinic setting — anywhere between a third and one-fifth of the expense of conducting an in-lab test and are often insured.
5. It’s convenient.
When you study at home, you’ll be in the comfort of your home surroundings, resulting in you having a better understanding of your sleep patterns and you will also know the dimensions of the props of the bed you are sleeping on.
6. It’s not entirely ruled out apnea.
Following the testing, the results will be examined through a sleep technologist, and the results will be sent to your doctor. If your symptoms continue, the doctor may recommend an in-lab examination.
7. You may also have other sleep problems.
Some sleep disorders are not caused by breathing problems. If you are experiencing persistent symptoms, then you may not be suffering from apnea. Other sleep-related issues that aren’t related to the airways include movements disorders that can cause restlessness at night or narcolepsy.. This neurologic condition affects your body’s sleep-wake cycles and results in excessive sleepiness. The doctor you consult with can help you to identify the cause and if you need to practice some healthiest positions to sleep.
The Benefits Associated With An At-Home Sleep Test
Does not disturb the usual routine.
An at home sleep test (HST) for adults is convenient and does not disrupt a patient’s routine. In addition, it is cheaper and more convenient than an overnight stay in a sleep lab. Home tests are especially beneficial for those with a busy schedule, older adults, and those who are home-bound. Additionally, patients do not have to arrange childcare for their children or miss time with loved ones. The advantages of an at-home sleep test are many and plenty to consider.
Better for patients who do not want to spend the night in a lab.
Another benefit of at-home tests is that they are more convenient for patients who do not want to spend the night in a lab. The results can also be uploaded the following day at a sleep center, which is ideal for those who live in rural areas or cannot leave home. A patient’s health will not be compromised by undergoing an at-home sleep test if they have a pre-existing condition.
Low cost
The cost of an at-home sleep test is low, and it does not interfere with a patient’s regular daily routine. An at-home sleep test replicates the sleep patterns of a person’s typical night of sleep. It also means that the patient is free from anxiety or discomfort associated with the procedure. Patients should know the only thing before undertaking an at-home test is to keep their usual schedule. They should avoid caffeine in the afternoon. They should also disclose any medications that they are taking.
In Conclusion
There are many benefits to an at-home sleep test. Patients can keep their usual bedtime routine without disrupting their sleep. A home sleep study is also less intrusive than a lab-based exam. It is also less expensive. It is an ideal option for people who don’t want to spend the night in a hospital. It’s also more convenient for those with health conditions that require overnight stays.